Creating a Community Plan
What will be the clinic's role?
Policies should be created before the disaster
- Should you accept wildlife?
- Should you accept farm animals?
- Can you function as a kennel for strays?
- Charging clients - Are you going to work for free, at a discount or not at all? What can you afford to donate?
Talk to fellow colleagues
- Get contact phone numbers
- Work out an agreement before the disaster occurs
Share profits
- Use another clinic for a certain percentage
Share resources:
- What equipment is available for use at other clinics?
- Can personnel help out in your clinic?
- Find a clinic outside an affected area which may be able to helpIf all clinics are down, is there a larger facility out of the area that can help?
- Finding an off-site location where clinics can pool their resources
- Compile a verbal "stock-pile" system of pharmaceuticals
- Is there a facility that can be used for isolating animals (bite wounds, animals with same disease, etc.)?
Emergency Relocation of Boarded or Hospitalized Animals
- Leashes, carrier and other species specific supplies
- Appropriate, pre-arranged animal transportation
- Temporary Animal Holding Location
- Your municipality’s facilities
- Establish relationship with a “Sister Practice”
- Set up a reciprocal agreement
- Return animals to owner?
- Secure and weather resistant patient identification
Utilize Disaster Animal Response Teams (DART):
Disaster Animal Response Teams (DARTs) are local volunteer teams that provide emergency services and support for animals during disasters or emergencies when local emergency assistance is needed and requested. Animals affected by disaster may include a wide variety of animals, including pets, livestock, strays, and even wildlife. DARTs typically serve local or regional communities where members live and/or work, but DARTs may also be asked to respond to disasters outside of their usual jurisdiction. DARTs provide information, training, support, supplies, and personnel to help prepare for, respond to, and recover from disaster situations.
Find your local Massachusetts DART:
Berkshire DART
Cape Cod DART
Central Mass DART
Hampshire Emergency Animal Response Team
Hudson DART
Martha’s Vineyard DART
Newton Massachusetts Animal Response Team
Western Mass DART
No DART in your area? Learn how to start a DART here!