MVMA Fall CE - Wildlife Rehabilitation
2024 MVMA Fall CE Event
Wildlife Rehabilitation
Robert Adamski BVMS, CWR
3 CE credits
MVMA/New England VMA Member Rate: $90
Non-Member Rate: $150
Virtual Event via Zoom
Wildlife Rehabilitation Rules & Regs: This section will cover both Commonwealth of MA laws & regulations pertaining to the medical care of wildlife by licensed veterinarians in the Commonwealth of MA. It will cover precisely what is and is not permissible for veterinarians to do concerning emergency wildlife triage & care per the regulations as set forth by both the US Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the MA Department of Fisheries & Wildlife (MA DFW). It will dispel many of the myths and falsehoods surrounding this topic while providing practical and useful advice for companion-animal and large-animal practitioners who might be unfamiliar with this topic.
Common Wildlife-related Problems: This section will cover common injuries and illnesses that potentially could be encountered by veterinarians when dealing with wildlife emergencies posed by reptile, avian and mammalian species frequently encountered in the state. It will cover how to triage and provide stabilization care for such patients while providing a background & refresher information on the pathophysiology as well as basic treatment options while highlighting potential public health and workplace safety concerns. We will utilize a scenario-based format to enhance the interactive learning process.
How the "average" veterinarian can help wildlife: This session will provide the practitioner with real-world advice and recommendations on how they can incorporate wildlife into their busy practices with minimal disruption and cost. It will emphasize the concept that we are quite aware wildlife is not the primary concern of most veterinarians, however there are very useful and easy actions every veterinary practice can take that will help fulfill our oath as veterinarians to help the "prevention and relief of animal suffering... & the conservation of animal resources" which involve minimal effort, time and resources. One Health and public health goals can also be achieved when veterinarians across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts help wildlife by helping their local wildlife rehabilitator.
Paper Registration Form HERE
Session is approved for INTERACTIVE credit towards MA veterinary licensure.
Check licensing provisions HERE
MVMA Virtual Event Cancellation Policy
14 days prior to conference 50% refund
No refunds within 14 days of conference (including if you don't log into the meeting!)
Robert Adamski BVMS, CWR
Robert Adamski holds a Bachelor of Science (BS) in biology from Delaware Valley College of Science & Agriculture, an associate degree in Science (AS) in veterinary technology from Harcum College, as well as a professional degree in Veterinary Medicine and Surgery (BVMS) from the University of Glasgow in Scotland. He is honored to serve as a consultant veterinarian for the two largest wildlife centers in Maine (e.g., Avian Haven in Freedom and Center for Wildlife in Cape Neddick) as well as the Vermont Institute of Natural Science. He has served as a volunteer American Red Cross CPR & first-aid instructor as well as a firefighter/paramedic for over 35+ years. He recently retired as a commissioned officer in the US Army Reserves Veterinary Corps after 23 years of honorable service. Currently, Rob serves as a board member and an instructor for the International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council (IWRC) & on the board of directors for the Wildlife Rehabilitators Association of Massachusetts (WRAM) that services all of New England.
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